Thursday, 30 August 2012


Jay* was a very outspoken and outgoing girl... She still is. Now... This is my version of the story, I think it is my right to have my own fairytale version.

She found someone whom she loves and didn't care who approved or not. We often told her many times that she should stop torturing herself by staying with him but she wouldn't listen... because she loved him. I didn't understand how much until the day he took her to a clinic claiming that the purpose of the visit is to see how far along she is. She told him to drop her by me and she told me the story.
He stopped at the clinic, switched off the car and turned to her and said... so there's this guy inside is going to give you two pills. Drink both. Then i'll take you home, you'll shit a lot and then you should just sleep. She was so upset, she started screaming for him to take her home and he brought her to me. My first thought wasn't "How dare he?" my first thought was " How the hell does he know so much, how many girls has he done this to?" Two days later, they were back together... She loves him THAT much.

24-08-2012 marks the birthdate of the most precious and beautiful baby boy I've ever seen. Looking at him the first time I got angry at Mason* all over again, this lil guy is here, despite his many efforts to get rid of him. He's healthy, beautiful and cute as hell! Buuut... If it weren't for Mason, we would have this lil blessing either. So I thank him and Loath him! I'll forever be grateful to Mason for giving us lil Eli*... He's a blessing to all our lives and he's loved by many.

*names have been changed*

We love you Eli.

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